
Effortless Design Exploration with AI

AI-powered tool for creating color schemes, fonts & layouts.

One Prompt, Endless Inspiration

Empower entrepreneurs, designers, and brand builders with AI-generated design concepts to validate ideas, spark vision, and launch faster.

Try it for free!

Spark your creativity. Generate colors schemes, fonts pairings & style guides.
Bring your vision to life.

Describe Your Vision with a Prompt

Ideatum Takes Care of the Rest

Craft stunning color palettes

Generate beautiful color schemes instantly, inspired by your ideas.

Find the perfect font pairings

Discover harmonious font combinations for a polished look.

Master the art of sizing

Generate ideal sizing ratios for balanced and impactful designs.

Go responsive with ease

Create mood boards that seamlessly adapt to any screen size, desktop, tablet or mobile.

Share your vision

Effortlessly share your designs on your favorite social media platforms.

Export for seamless workflow

Export your creations in multiple formats: HTML, HTML+CSS, Figma, or Webflow.

Style guide sample produced by ideatum

Ideatum UI

Democratizing Design

Bridge the design gap with Ideatum.

Design Made Easy & Accessible for All

Ideatum is built with inclusivity at its core. We understand the challenges of translating an idea into a visual masterpiece. That's why we created a user-friendly platform that makes design less intimidating and more approachable.

Effortlessly Bridge the Gap from Ideas to Designs

Stunning visuals shouldn't require expertise. Ideatum uses AI to bridge the gap, transforming your ideas into professional-looking designs. Describe your vision, and AI generates color palettes, fonts, and layouts - the building blocks for anyone to create.


Ideatum prompt example
Eva Jereb

Tropical rainforest resort

Ideatum prompt example
Janusz Nowak

Cyber noir, design agency website

Ideatum prompt example
Sophia Young

Sleek and modern, blue, corporate

Please submit your palette to info@ideatum and let us know what you are designing

Try it for free!

Spark your creativity. Generate colors schemes, fonts pairings & style guides.
Bring your vision to life.

Who is Ideatum For?

No matter your design experience, Ideatum empowers you to bridge the gap between your ideas and stunning realities.
Dreamers and Innovators

Dreamers and Innovators

Ever have a fantastic idea but struggle to visualize it? Ideatum translates your vision into stunning visuals, making your concepts shine.

Design Enthusiasts

Design Enthusiasts

Want to explore design but feel intimidated by complex software? Ideatum's user-friendly interface lets you experiment and create beautiful concepts with ease.

Busy Professionals

Busy Professionals

Ideatum streamlines collaboration between you and your designers by providing a clear starting point for discussion and design.

Established Designers

Established Designers

Ideatum empowers you to rapidly generate a multitude of mood boards and style guides, opening doors to a vast array of creative possibilities.

Help us Shape the Future of Design!

We're currently seeking passionate alpha testers to join our community and help us shape the future of Ideatum. Your input is invaluable in making Ideatum the best design platform for everyone.

Got any brilliant ideas?
Share your feature suggestions or improvement thoughts for a free month when we go live!